Doozy Dice
Players: 2-4
Ages: 8+
Time: 15 Minutes
Doozy Dice is a quick dice rolling game where players use 5 dice to match unique “doozy” combinations. At the start of the game, the 26 doozy cards are shuffled and 5 are dealt in the center of the table. These are the 5 doozy combinations each player will need to complete during this game. Players take turns rolling the dice and making combinations in as few rolls as possible. Two of the dice come with a doozy face on one side. These are either needed to complete a combination or act as a wild.
Players also collect doozy dots along the way either when anyone rolls a doozy face, or by completing combinations in 3 or fewer rolls. Use Doozy dots to change a roll and complete a combination. Any remaining doozy dots are subtracted from your roll total at the end of the game. The player who completes the 5 “doozy” combinations in the fewest number of rolls wins.
During Doozy Dice, the third roll is a key decision point for each player. If you complete a combination in 1-3 rolls, you get a bonus, 1 doozy dot, while all their opponents lose a doozy dot. Players need to decide: “Do I use the doozy dots I have to get this combination in 3 rolls, or save them for later?” To keep the game moving right along, there is a 13 roll limit. If a player rolls to 13, they note 13 rolls for that combination, and lose a doozy dot.